Software: Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code
FREE professional coding environment.
I'm just starting to really see the benefits of this software. It is a little difficult to transition from the clean look of Notepad++ to the dark mode subtle coding colors of VS Code at first, but the benefits of this app really start to shine when you grab a bunch of Minecraft related extensions.
Designed specifically for coding and development, this app has amazing built in error checking and reporting. Far beyond what you get with Notepad++. It also has extremely handy syntax highlighting, code suggestions and much more.
The more I use this app, the more I realize just how powerful it is, and being able to save workspaces for each of my different projects is invaluable for jumping straight back into where I left off.
Extensible and customizable. Want even more features? Install extensions to add new languages, themes, debuggers, and to connect to additional services. Extensions run in separate processes, ensuring they won't slow down your editor. Learn more about extensions.
These are the extensions I use when coding addons in Notepad++
- Bedrock Definitions
- Better Comments
- Blockception's Minecraft Bedrock Development
- Compare Flders
- Compareit
- Diff Folders
- json
- JSON Tools
- mcfunction
- Minecraft JSON Schemas
- Minecraft Lang Colorizer
- NBT Viewer
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Prettify JSON
- Snowstorm
- UUID Generator
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