Marketplace: FoxyNoTail Skin Pack Volume 2
Featuring characters from Foxy's earlier videos...
Author: FoxyNoTail
Reading Time: <1mins
Published: 1st February 2022

Become part of FoxyNoTail's story by taking on one of his iconic characters. Foxy's Skin Pack: Volume 2 contains popular characters from his videos! Open up the Marketplace on your Minecrafting device and download.
Foxy's Skin Pack Volume 2 is now available Featuring Characters from Foxy's Earlier Videos including:
+ Foxy (2022)
+ Mr Onion
+ Mr BBQ
+ Corrupt Chuck
+ The Commissioner (Who Killed Steve)
+ Officer Chicken (Who Killed Steve)
+ Detective NoTail (Who Killed Steve)
+ Foley NoTail (Who Killed Steve)
+ Monkey (Who Killed Steve)