Zombie Villager V2 -
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Last Updated
The Zombie Villager V2 entity last updated in Minecraft Version 1.20.40What's Changed:
Changes since beta version
There have been no changes to this entity or its associated files since this previous version
Changes since stable release
Behavior Packs- New Value:
"minecraft:transformation": {
"into": "minecraft:villager_v2",
"begin_transform_sound": "remedy",
"transformation_sound": "unfect",
"drop_equipment": true,
"keep_level": true,
"delay": {
"value": 100,
"range_min": 80,
"range_max": 200,
"block_assist_chance": 0.01,
"block_radius": 4,
"block_chance": 0.3,
"block_types": [
}Previous Value:"minecraft:transformation": {
"into": "minecraft:villager_v2",
"begin_transform_sound": "remedy",
"transformation_sound": "unfect",
"drop_equipment": true,
"keep_level": true,
"delay": {
"value": 100,
"block_assist_chance": 0.01,
"block_radius": 4,
"block_chance": 0.3,
"block_types": [
} - New Value:
"minecraft:spell_effects": {
"add_effects": [
"effect": "strength",
"duration": 300
"effect": "heal",
"duration": 300
"remove_effects": "weakness"
}Previous Value:"minecraft:spell_effects": {
"add_effects": [
"effect": "strength",
"duration": 100
"effect": "heal",
"duration": 100
"remove_effects": "weakness"
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
Loot / Barter Loot / Additional Drops
- Rotten Flesh
- Iron Ingot
- Carrot
- Potato
Attack Damage
- Default: 3
Can be Ridden by Mobs
- Adult: Zombie
- Armorer: Armorer, Mob, Monster, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Butcher: Butcher, Mob, Monster, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Cartographer: Cartographer, Mob, Monster, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Cleric: Cleric, Mob, Monster, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Farmer: Farmer, Mob, Monster, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Fisherman: Fisherman, Mob, Monster, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Fletcher: Fletcher, Mob, Monster, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Leatherworker: Leatherworker, Mob, Monster, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Librarian: Librarian, Mob, Monster, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Mason: Mob, Monster, Stone Mason, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Nitwit: Mob, Monster, Nitwit, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Shepherd: Mob, Monster, Shepherd, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Toolsmith: Mob, Monster, Toolsmith, Undead, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Unskilled: Mob, Monster, Undead, Unskilled, Zombie, Zombie Villager
- Weaponsmith: Mob, Monster, Undead, Weaponsmith, Zombie, Zombie Villager
Mark Variations
- Desert Villager
- Jungle Villager
- Savanna Villager
- Snow Villager
- Swamp Villager
- Taiga Villager
Movement Speed
- Adult: 0.23
- Baby: 0.35
- Armorer
- Butcher
- Cartographer
- Cleric
- Farmer
- Fisherman
- Fletcher
- Leatherworker
- Librarian
- Mason
- Nitwit
- Shepherd
- Toolsmith
- Unskilled
- Weaponsmith
Other Attributes
- Burns in Daylight
- Can be Renamed
- Can Breath in Water
- Can Climb
- Can Jump
- Has Collisions
- Has Gravity
- Pushable
- Pushable by Pistons
Associated Files:
Behavior File- behavior_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/entities/zombie_villager_v2.json
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.19.80/animations/zombie.animation.json
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.0/animations/humanoid.animation.json
Animation Controllers
- resource_packs/vanilla/animation_controllers/zombie.animation_controllers.json
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.10/animation_controllers/humanoid.animation_controllers.json
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.20/entity/zombie_villager_v2.entity.json
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.16.220/models/entity/zombie_villager_v2.geo.json
Loot Tables
- behavior_packs/vanilla_1.16.220/loot_tables/entities/zombie.json
Render Controllers
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.20/render_controllers/zombie_villager_v2.render_controllers.json
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie/step1.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie/step2.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie/step3.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie/step4.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie/step5.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie_villager/death.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie_villager/hurt1.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie_villager/hurt2.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie_villager/say1.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie_villager/say2.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/zombie_villager/say3.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/zombie-villager.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/biomes/biome-desert-zombie.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/biomes/biome-jungle-zombie.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/biomes/biome-plains-zombie.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/biomes/biome-savanna-zombie.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/biomes/biome-snow-zombie.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/biomes/biome-swamp-zombie.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/biomes/biome-taiga-zombie.png
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/armorer.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/butcher.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/cartographer.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/cleric.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/farmer.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/fisherman.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/fletcher.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/leatherworker.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/librarian.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/nitwit.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/shepherd.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/stonemason.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/toolsmith.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/unskilled.tga
- resource_packs/vanilla_1.20.40/textures/entity/zombie_villager2/professions/weaponsmith.tga
Material Info:
Material: Zombie Villager V2
{ "vertexShader": "shaders/entity.vertex", "vrGeometryShader": "shaders/entity.geometry", "fragmentShader": "shaders/entity.fragment", "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ], "variants": [ { "skinning": { "+defines": [ "USE_SKINNING" ], "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "BoneId0" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ] } }, { "skinning_color": { "+defines": [ "USE_SKINNING", "USE_OVERLAY" ], "+states": [ "Blending" ], "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "BoneId0" }, { "field": "Color" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ] } }, { "skinning_alphatest": { "+defines": [ "USE_SKINNING", "ALPHA_TEST" ], "+states": [ "DisableCulling" ], "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "BoneId0" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ] } } ], "msaaSupport": [ "Both" ], "+samplerStates": { "samplerIndex": 1, "textureWrap": "Repeat" }, "+defines": [ "USE_OVERLAY", "ALPHA_TEST" ], "+states": [ "DisableCulling" ], "depthFunc": "LessEqual" }
Material: Zombie Villager V2 Masked
{ "vertexShader": "shaders/entity.vertex", "vrGeometryShader": "shaders/entity.geometry", "fragmentShader": "shaders/entity.fragment", "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ], "variants": [ { "skinning": { "+defines": [ "USE_SKINNING" ], "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "BoneId0" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ] } }, { "skinning_color": { "+defines": [ "USE_SKINNING", "USE_OVERLAY" ], "+states": [ "Blending" ], "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "BoneId0" }, { "field": "Color" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ] } }, { "skinning_alphatest": { "+defines": [ "USE_SKINNING", "ALPHA_TEST" ], "+states": [ "DisableCulling" ], "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "BoneId0" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ] } } ], "msaaSupport": [ "Both" ], "+samplerStates": { "samplerIndex": 1, "textureWrap": "Clamp" }, "+defines": [ "USE_OVERLAY", "ALPHA_TEST", "MASKED_MULTITEXTURE" ], "+states": [ "DisableCulling" ], "depthFunc": "LessEqual" }
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