Agent -

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Last Updated

The Agent entity last updated in Minecraft Version 1.19.80
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What's Changed:

Changes since beta version

There have been no changes to this entity or its associated files since this previous version

Changes since stable release

      • Previous Value:
        "rightArm": {
            "rotation": [
                "(-2.0 + 1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(variable.agent.swinganimationtick - query.frame_alpha, variable.agent.swinganimationduration) - variable.agent.swinganimationduration * 0.5) - variable.agent.swinganimationduration * 0.25) / (variable.agent.swinganimationduration * 0.25)) * 57.3",
      • New Value:
        "rightarm": {
            "rotation": [
                "(-2.0 + 1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(variable.agent.swinganimationtick - query.frame_alpha, variable.agent.swinganimationduration) - variable.agent.swinganimationduration * 0.5) - variable.agent.swinganimationduration * 0.25) / (variable.agent.swinganimationduration * 0.25)) * 57.3",
      • Previous Value:
        "animation.agent.shrug": {
            "animation_length": 1.5,
            "bones": {
                "head": {
                 "rotation": {
                    "0.3333": [
                    "0.5833": [
                    "0.8333": [
                    "1.0417": [
                    "1.2917": [
                    "1.5": [
                 "position": {
                    "0.0": [
                    "0.125": [
                "leftArm": {
                 "rotation": {
                    "0.0": [
                    "0.25": [
                    "0.625": [
                    "0.75": [
                    "0.9583": [
                    "1.1667": [
                 "position": {
                    "0.75": [
                    "0.9583": [
                    "1.1667": [
                "rightArm": {
                 "rotation": {
                    "0.0": [
                    "0.25": [
                    "0.625": [
                    "0.75": [
                    "0.9583": [
                    "1.1667": [
                 "position": {
                    "0.75": [
                    "0.9583": [
                    "1.1667": [
      • Previous Value:
        "animation_length": 1.5
      • Previous Value:
        "leftLeg": {
            "rotation": [
                "((-1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(query.modified_distance_moved, 13) - 6.5) - 3.25) / 3.25) * query.modified_move_speed) * 57.3 + (variable.agent.ishovering * variable.agent.legxrotationfactor)",
      • New Value:
        "leftleg": {
            "rotation": [
                "((-1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(query.modified_distance_moved, 13) - 6.5) - 3.25) / 3.25) * query.modified_move_speed) * 57.3 + (variable.agent.ishovering * variable.agent.legxrotationfactor)",
      • Previous Value:
        "leftArm": {
            "rotation": [
                "((-0.2 + 1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(query.modified_distance_moved, 13) - 6.5) - 3.25) / 3.25) * query.modified_move_speed) * 57.3 - variable.agent.armxrotationfactor",
      • New Value:
        "leftarm": {
            "rotation": [
                "((-0.2 + 1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(query.modified_distance_moved, 13) - 6.5) - 3.25) / 3.25) * query.modified_move_speed) * 57.3 - variable.agent.armxrotationfactor",
      • Previous Value:
        "rightArm": {
            "rotation": [
                "((-0.2 - 1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(query.modified_distance_moved, 13) - 6.5) - 3.25) / 3.25) * query.modified_move_speed) * 57.3 + variable.agent.armxrotationfactor",
      • Previous Value:
        "rightLeg": {
            "rotation": [
                "((1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(query.modified_distance_moved, 13) - 6.5) - 3.25) / 3.25) * query.modified_move_speed) * 57.3 - (variable.agent.ishovering * variable.agent.legxrotationfactor)",
      • New Value:
        "rightarm": {
            "rotation": [
                "((-0.2 - 1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(query.modified_distance_moved, 13) - 6.5) - 3.25) / 3.25) * query.modified_move_speed) * 57.3 + variable.agent.armxrotationfactor",
      • New Value:
        "rightleg": {
            "rotation": [
                "((1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(query.modified_distance_moved, 13) - 6.5) - 3.25) / 3.25) * query.modified_move_speed) * 57.3 - (variable.agent.ishovering * variable.agent.legxrotationfactor)",
      • New Value:
        "animations": {
            "move": "animation.agent.move",
            "look_at_target": "animation.common.look_at_target",
            "swing_arms": "animation.agent.swing_arms",
            "move_controller": "controller.animation.agent.move"
        Previous Value:
        "animations": {
            "look_at_target": "animation.common.look_at_target",
            "move": "animation.agent.move",
            "swing_arms": "animation.agent.swing_arms",
            "shrug": "animation.agent.shrug",
            "move_controller": "controller.animation.agent.move"
      • New Value:
        "scripts": {
            "pre_animation": [
                "variable.Agent.ArmZRotation = (Math.cos(query.life_time * 114.6) + 1.0) * 1.15;",
                "variable.Agent.ArmXRotationFactor = Math.sin(query.life_time * 80.0) * 4.6;",
                "variable.Agent.LegXRotationFactor = Math.sin(query.life_time * 46.0) * 1.15;"
            "animate": [
        Previous Value:
        "scripts": {
            "pre_animation": [
                "variable.Agent.ArmZRotation = (Math.cos(query.life_time * 114.6) + 1.0) * 1.15;",
                "variable.Agent.ArmXRotationFactor = Math.sin(query.life_time * 80.0) * 4.6;",
                "variable.Agent.LegXRotationFactor = Math.sin(query.life_time * 46.0) * 1.15;"
            "animate": [


    Inventory Size
    • Default: 27
    Other Attributes
    • Can be Renamed
    • Has Collisions
    • Has Gravity
    • Immune to Fire
    • Movement Speed
    • Pushable by Pistons

    Associated Files:

    Behavior File
    • behavior_packs/vanilla_1.16.100/entities/agent.json
    • resource_packs/vanilla/animations/agent.animation.json
    • resource_packs/vanilla/animations/look_at_target.animation.json
    Animation Controllers
    • resource_packs/vanilla/animation_controllers/agent.animation_controllers.json
    • resource_packs/vanilla/entity/agent.entity.json
    • resource_packs/vanilla_1.19.80/models/mobs.json
    Render Controllers
    • resource_packs/vanilla/render_controllers/agent.render_controllers.json
    • resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/agent.png

    Material Info:

    Material: Agent
        "vertexShader": "shaders/entity.vertex",
        "vrGeometryShader": "shaders/entity.geometry",
        "fragmentShader": "shaders/entity.fragment",
        "vertexFields": [
                "field": "Position"
                "field": "Normal"
                "field": "UV0"
        "variants": [
                "skinning": {
                    "+defines": [
                    "vertexFields": [
                            "field": "Position"
                            "field": "BoneId0"
                            "field": "Normal"
                            "field": "UV0"
                "skinning_color": {
                    "+defines": [
                    "+states": [
                    "vertexFields": [
                            "field": "Position"
                            "field": "BoneId0"
                            "field": "Color"
                            "field": "Normal"
                            "field": "UV0"
                "skinning_alphatest": {
                    "+defines": [
                    "+states": [
                    "vertexFields": [
                            "field": "Position"
                            "field": "BoneId0"
                            "field": "Normal"
                            "field": "UV0"
        "msaaSupport": [
        "+samplerStates": {
            "samplerIndex": 0,
            "textureFilter": "Point"
        "+defines": [