Tropicalfish -
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Resource Packs
Last Updated
The Tropicalfish entity last updated in Minecraft Version 1.16What's Changed:
Changes since stable release
Behavior Packs- New Value:
"format_version": "1.16.0"
Previous Value:"format_version": "1.13.0"
- New Value:
"minecraft:behavior.swim_idle": {
"priority": 5,
"idle_time": 5,
"success_rate": 0.1
}Previous Value:"minecraft:behavior.swim_idle": {
"priority": 5
} - New Value:
"minecraft:behavior.swim_wander": {
"priority": 4,
"interval": 0.1,
"look_ahead": 2,
"speed_multiplier": 1,
"wander_time": 5
}Previous Value:"minecraft:behavior.swim_wander": {
"priority": 4,
"speed_multiplier": 1,
"interval": 10,
"look_ahead": 2
} - New Value:
"minecraft:despawn": {
"despawn_from_distance": {
"min_distance": 32,
"max_distance": 40
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
- Hover/Tap to zoom...
Loot / Barter Loot / Additional Drops
- Clownfish
- Bone
- Default: Fish, Tropicalfish
Mark Variations
- Anenonme
- Black Tang
- Blue Dory
- Butterfly Fish
- Cc Betta
- Cichlid
- Clownfish
- Dog Fish
- E Red Snapper
- Goat Fish
- Moorish Idol
- Ornate Butterfly
- Parrot Fish
- Queen Angel Fish
- Red Cichlid
- Red Lipped Benny
- Red Snapper
- Threadfin
- Tomato Clown
- Triggerfish
- Tropicalfish Variant Pattern 1
- Tropicalfish Variant Pattern 2
- Tropicalfish Variant Pattern 3
- Tropicalfish Variant Pattern 4
- Tropicalfish Variant Pattern 5
- Tropicalfish Variant Pattern 6
- Yellow Tang
- Yellowtail Parrot
Movement Speed
- Default: 0.12
- Anenonme
- Black Tang
- Blue Dory
- Butterfly Fish
- Cc Betta
- Cichlid
- Clownfish
- Dog Fish
- E Red Snapper
- Goat Fish
- Moorish Idol
- Ornate Butterfly
- Parrot Fish
- Queen Angel Fish
- Red Cichlid
- Red Lipped Benny
- Red Snapper
- Threadfin
- Tomato Clown
- Triggerfish
- Tropicalfish Variant A
- Tropicalfish Variant B
- Yellow Tang
- Yellowtail Parrot
Other Attributes
- Can be Renamed
- Can Breath in Water
- Can Swim
- Has Collisions
- Pushable
- Pushable by Pistons
Associated Files:
Behavior File- behavior_packs/vanilla_1.16/entities/tropicalfish.json
- resource_packs/vanilla/animations/tropicalfish.animation.json
Animation Controllers
- resource_packs/vanilla/animation_controllers/fish.animation_controllers.json
- resource_packs/vanilla/entity/tropicalfish.entity.json
- resource_packs/vanilla/models/entity/tropical_fish.geo.json
Loot Tables
- behavior_packs/vanilla/loot_tables/entities/tropicalfish.json
Render Controllers
- resource_packs/vanilla/render_controllers/tropicalfish.render_controllers.json
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/flop1.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/flop2.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/flop3.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/flop4.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/hurt1.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/hurt2.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/hurt3.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/hurt4.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/swim1.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/swim2.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/swim3.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/swim4.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/swim5.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/swim6.fsb
- resource_packs/vanilla/sounds/mob/fish/swim7.fsb
Spawn Rules
- behavior_packs/vanilla/spawn_rules/tropicalfish.json
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_a.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_a_pattern_1.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_a_pattern_2.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_a_pattern_3.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_a_pattern_4.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_a_pattern_5.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_a_pattern_6.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_b.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_b_pattern_1.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_b_pattern_2.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_b_pattern_3.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_b_pattern_4.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_b_pattern_5.png
- resource_packs/vanilla/textures/entity/fish/tropical_b_pattern_6.png
Material Info:
Material: Tropicalfish
{ "vertexShader": "shaders/entity.vertex", "vrGeometryShader": "shaders/entity.geometry", "fragmentShader": "shaders/entity.fragment", "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ], "variants": [ { "skinning": { "+defines": [ "USE_SKINNING" ], "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "BoneId0" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ] } }, { "skinning_color": { "+defines": [ "USE_SKINNING", "USE_OVERLAY" ], "+states": [ "Blending" ], "vertexFields": [ { "field": "Position" }, { "field": "BoneId0" }, { "field": "Color" }, { "field": "Normal" }, { "field": "UV0" } ] } } ], "msaaSupport": [ "Both" ], "+samplerStates": { "samplerIndex": 1, "textureWrap": "Clamp" }, "+defines": [ "USE_OVERLAY", "ALPHA_TEST", "USE_COLOR_MASK", "MULTIPLICATIVE_TINT", "MULTIPLICATIVE_TINT_COLOR", "USE_OVERLAY" ], "+states": [ "DisableCulling" ] }
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