Hardcore Mode Add-on Version 1.3.10 Download

Hardcore Mode Add-on Version 1.3.10 Details

You're a spectator when you die!

Just like JAVA Edition's Hardcore Mode...

When you die, you will enter spectator mode which means you will not be able to continue in survival mode.

You will be able to teleport between the other remaining players using the item given to you when you die.

Hardcore Mode Add-on Version 1.3.10 Readme

Required: World Options
+ Education Edition (So you can fly in spectator mode)

Once in the world everything will be automatic.
When you die, you will enter spectator mode which means you will not be able to continue in survival mode.
You will be able to teleport between the other remaining players using the player head item given to you when you die.
- Just select it in your hotbar to teleport. To teleport again, deselect it and select it again.

Automatic Gamerules
When starting the game will automatically set the following rules:
gamerule dodaylightcycle true
gamerule doweathercycle true
gamerule doentitydrops true
gamerule dofiretick true
gamerule doinsomnia true
gamerule domobspawning true
gamerule domobloot true
gamerule drowningdamage true
gamerule falldamage true
gamerule firedamage true
gamerule mobgriefing true
gamerule showcoordinates true
gamerule showdeathmessages true
gamerule tntexplodes true

gamerule randomtickspeed 1
gamerule spawnradius 1

gamerule sendcommandfeedback false
gamerule doimmediaterespawn false
gamerule naturalregeneration true
gamerule doimmediaterespawn false
gamerule keepinventory false
gamerule showtags false

difficulty hard

If you wish to change any of these rules, edit the bp/functions/setup.mcfunction file before you open the world for the first time.