Chunk Loader with Auto Sleep Experimental Add-on Version 2.0.10 Download
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chuck-loader-v2.0.10.zipChunk Loader with Auto Sleep Experimental Add-on Version 2.0.10 Details
Your personal friend that becomes your ALT Account.
Chuck is an entity that will go AFK for you, load chunks and also sleep to skip through the nights if you ask him to.He will follow you, sit down, teleport to you and has a range of ticking area sizes he can activate meaning he can run your farms while you're busy doing other things!
Remember: Chuck is an entity, not a player, so mobs will not spawn around him meaning you can't use this add-on to run mob farms or iron farms.
Warning: Creating lots of Chucks and setting them all as chunk loaders will cause lag!
No command blocks or ticking areas required. Easy to install.
Chunk Loader with Auto Sleep Experimental Add-on Version 2.0.10 Readme
# To use this pack you must enable the following Experimental Features on your World, Realm or Server
# - Holiday Creator Features
# Changes from V1.0
Chuck will no longer spawn on Iron Blocks above Y=250
You must now craft Chuck using the crafting Recipe as follows
Shaped Crafting Recipe:
# = Netherite Block
* = Nether Star
D = Diamond Block
R = Redstone Block
W = Yellow Wool
I = Iron Block
Crafting Shape
# W #
D * R
# I #
Requires: 4x Netherite Block, 1x Nether Star, 1x Diamond Block, 1x Redstone Block, 1x Iron Block & 1x Yellow Wool
What is Chuck?
Chuck is a mobile Chunk Loader that will follow you and sleep through the night if you want him to.
He is NOT a player, so mobs & Iron Golems will not spawn around him (this includes mob spawner cages).
But the chunks around him will tick, which means redstone will work and crops & trees will grow.
This makes Chuck ideal for running your automatic storage system, or tending to your crop farms while you're elsewhere.
What Does Chuck Do?
# A Friend / Pet Robot
Chuck you can tame Chuck by clicking him with an Emerald.
Just like a Wolf, once tamed, Chuck will follow you and teleport to you if you go too far.
He'll also sit down and stay when you click on him with an empty hand.
Once tamed, you can despawn Chuck by clicking him with an Emerald again.
When he despawns, he will drop as an item that you can place again.
Once placed, you will need to tame him again with another Emerald.
Mobile Ticking Area
When Chuck is tamed, clicking him with a Diamond in your hand will activate his Chunk Loading abilities.
He has 4 stages:
1. Chunk loading with a radius of 2 chunks
2. Chunk loading with a radius of 4 chunks
3. Chunk loading with a radius of 6 chunks
4. No chunk loading
Keep clicking Chuck with a Diamond to cycle through these stages.
Be warned though, the more chunks Chuck loads, the laggier your world will be!
### BE CAREFUL: Using these functions can cause lag on worlds and particularly realms and servers with multiple players.
Auto Sleep
Chuck can sleep the night away just like players can.
If you click him with a bed, once he's tamed, he will go to sleep when it gets to night time and the time will pass to the next day almost instantly.
Weather will also clear when he wakes.
When he wakes up, he will return to sitting (if he was sitting before night) or following you (if he was following you before night).
While he's asleep, you cannot interact with him and he won't follow you.
Click him with a bed again to turn this feature off.
# To use this pack you must enable the following Experimental Features on your World, Realm or Server
# - Holiday Creator Features
# Changes from V1.0
Chuck will no longer spawn on Iron Blocks above Y=250
You must now craft Chuck using the crafting Recipe as follows
Shaped Crafting Recipe:
# = Netherite Block
* = Nether Star
D = Diamond Block
R = Redstone Block
W = Yellow Wool
I = Iron Block
Crafting Shape
# W #
D * R
# I #
Requires: 4x Netherite Block, 1x Nether Star, 1x Diamond Block, 1x Redstone Block, 1x Iron Block & 1x Yellow Wool
What is Chuck?
Chuck is a mobile Chunk Loader that will follow you and sleep through the night if you want him to.
He is NOT a player, so mobs & Iron Golems will not spawn around him (this includes mob spawner cages).
But the chunks around him will tick, which means redstone will work and crops & trees will grow.
This makes Chuck ideal for running your automatic storage system, or tending to your crop farms while you're elsewhere.
What Does Chuck Do?
# A Friend / Pet Robot
Chuck you can tame Chuck by clicking him with an Emerald.
Just like a Wolf, once tamed, Chuck will follow you and teleport to you if you go too far.
He'll also sit down and stay when you click on him with an empty hand.
Once tamed, you can despawn Chuck by clicking him with an Emerald again.
When he despawns, he will drop as an item that you can place again.
Once placed, you will need to tame him again with another Emerald.
Mobile Ticking Area
When Chuck is tamed, clicking him with a Diamond in your hand will activate his Chunk Loading abilities.
He has 4 stages:
1. Chunk loading with a radius of 2 chunks
2. Chunk loading with a radius of 4 chunks
3. Chunk loading with a radius of 6 chunks
4. No chunk loading
Keep clicking Chuck with a Diamond to cycle through these stages.
Be warned though, the more chunks Chuck loads, the laggier your world will be!
### BE CAREFUL: Using these functions can cause lag on worlds and particularly realms and servers with multiple players.
Auto Sleep
Chuck can sleep the night away just like players can.
If you click him with a bed, once he's tamed, he will go to sleep when it gets to night time and the time will pass to the next day almost instantly.
Weather will also clear when he wakes.
When he wakes up, he will return to sitting (if he was sitting before night) or following you (if he was following you before night).
While he's asleep, you cannot interact with him and he won't follow you.
Click him with a bed again to turn this feature off.