Customize your Mob Griefing Add-on for Minecraft Bedrock Edition

Note: The entities that you choose below may be incompatible with other add-ons you use on your world.
Add-ons cannot be stacked like resource packs. The add-on at the top of your world list will be the one that takes priority over the others.

Select which features you want included in your pack...

- This option has been added to 12252 custom packs.

Creepers & Charged Creepers cannot break blocks
Note: Explosions still destroy items

- This option has been added to 10806 custom packs.

Endermen cannot pickup or place blocks

- This option has been added to 9915 custom packs.

Zombies cannot break doors

- This option has been added to 9601 custom packs.

Drowned cannot break doors

- This option has been added to 9406 custom packs.

Husks cannot break doors

- This option has been added to 8575 custom packs.

Piglins cannot open doors

- This option has been added to 8543 custom packs.
Piglin Brute

Piglin Brutes cannot open doors

- This option has been added to 8538 custom packs.
Zombified Piglin

Zombified Piglins cannot open doors

- This option has been added to 9377 custom packs.
Zombie Villager

Zombie Villagers cannot break or open doors

- This option has been added to 9092 custom packs.

Ravagers cannot break blocks

- This option has been added to 8991 custom packs.

Ghasts fireballs cannot break blocks
Note: This makes ghasts unable to damage the player

- This option has been added to 4062 custom packs.
Snow Golem

Snow Golems cannot make trails of snow

- This option has been added to 8856 custom packs.

Wither Boss projectiles cannot break blocks
Note: Wither will still break blocks on being summoned and on death