CAMERA Spectator Mode v4.3.0 [Discontinued] Add-on for Minecraft Bedrock Edition

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CAMERA Spectator Mode v4.3.0 [Discontinued]
Replay Mod like features for Bedrock as part of Spectator Mode for trusted accounts.
DISCONTINUED: This pack has been replaced by a newer and better version just called "Camera Mode"
# WHAT'S NEW IN V4.3 #
Updated for 1.17.10
Tweaked animation file for consistency
Known Issues:
Path Mode has issues on BDS servers due to lag/player positioning
# WHAT'S NEW IN V4.2.1 #
- Lots of fixes for multiplayer mode and items not working on mobile
- Corner Smoothing
+ When using Path Mode, transferring from one path point to the next (corners) is smoother now.
# WHAT'S NEW IN V4.1 #
- Replay Mod style camera movement for timelapse recording
+ Make paths using items and then automatically fly around them in slow motion
- More Movement Options
+ Hold dyes in your hand to automatically move in slow motion in various directions and styles
Changes to Existing Features
Follow mode - Hit with bottle (swing arm) instead of drinking it
Teleport tp Player - Hit with chorus fruit (swing arm) instead of eating it
Click here for instructions on how to install this pack
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All Versions
Instructions from the Readme File
# Foxy's CAMERA Spectator Mode
# Created: 15/07/2021
# Version: 4.3.0
# Made for MC Bedrock Edition 1.17.2+ [Works best with education edition enabled]
# For more info visit
IMPORTANT: To use this pack you will need to have cheats enabled or operator privileges on your world, realm or server and the ability to run commands in game.
# WHAT'S NEW IN V4.3 #
Updated for 1.17.10
Tweaked animation file for consistency
# WHAT'S NEW IN V4.2 #
- Corner Smoothing
+ When using Path Mode, transferring from one path point to the next (corners) is smoother now.
# WHAT'S NEW IN V4.1 #
- Replay Mod style camera movement for timelapse recording
+ Make paths using items and then automatically fly around them in slow motion
- More Movement Options
+ Hold dyes in your hand to automatically move in slow motion in various directions and styles
Changes to Existing Features
Follow mode - Hit with bottle (swing arm) instead of drinking it
Teleport tp Player - Hit with chorus fruit (swing arm) instead of eating it
Change Movement Speed
White Dye Slow
Light Gray Dye Medium
Gray Dye Fast
Black Dye Fastest
Hold dye and punch to change speed
Basic Camera Movements
Holding the following dyes while in spectator mode will make the camera move in the directions listed.
1a Red Left
1b Red Right
2a Orange Forwards
2b Orange Backwards
3a Yellow Up Relative
3b Yellow Down Relative
4a Brown North
4b Brown South
5a Lime East
5b Lime West
6a Green Up
6b Green Down
7a Cyan Circle Around Target: Left
7b Cyan Circle Around Target: Right
8a Light Blue Circle Around Target:Left & Up
8b Light Blue Circle Around Target: Right & Up
9a Blue Circle Around Target: Left & Down
9b Blue Circle Around Target: Right & Down
10a Purple Circle Around Target: Left & In
10b Purple Circle Around Target: Right & In
11a Magenta Circle Around Target: Left & Out
11b Magenta Circle Around Target: Right & Out
12a Pink Rotate Clockwise
12b Pink Rotate Anticlockwise
Punch with the dye to toggle between a and b [Change direction]
Numbers 7 - 11 require a Target Point to be placed.
Hold a target block and punch to place a Target Point. The camera will focus on that while circling around it.
Target points will go invisible after a few seconds so they don't show in your video.
To see them again, punch while holding a spyglass.
To remove them, punch while holding shears.
Fully automatic path mode.
Enter path mode by punching while holding a Clock.
NOTE: While in path mode... The chorus fruit, water bottle and dyes will not work.
In path mode, you place path points by punching whilst holding a compass.
You can place up to 25 points and the camera will loop around the path from start to finish, no matter how many you use.
You can go along the path looking towards the next point, or focussing on a Focus Point which can be placed by punching while holding a Target Block.
Having a focus point will lead to more smooth timelapses as you will travel around the path whilst always looking towards the Focus Point.
Without one, you will always be facing towards the next path point which can lead to some shaky movement depending on your path layout.
Path points and focus points will go invisible after a few seconds so they don't show in your video.
To see them again, punch while holding a spyglass.
To remove them, punch while holding shears.
To test the path punch while holding a Gold Ingot
Punch again with the Gold Ingot to stop
To start the path punch while holding an Emerald
Punch again with the Emerald to stop
To clear (reset) the path, punch while holding a water bucket.
To exit path mode, punch while holding the clock again.
WARINING: This will delete all of your path points.
# Spectator Mode
This pack gives trusted players the ability to turn into an invisible and invulnerable, flying camera account, just like spectator mode on the JAVA edition of Minecraft.
It does not let you fly through blocks sadly as this isn't possible in Bedrock Edition just yet.
To fly, you must enable Education Edition Features on your world. Instructions here: (
# Spectator Mode Features
+ Hold a Diamond and Sneak to activate spectator mode
+ Hold a Golden Carrot and Sneak to activate night vision mode - Same as spectator mode but with night vision and conduit power
+ Hold an Iron Ingot whilst on the ground and sneak to deactivate spectator mode
+ Punch with a water bottle whilst in spectator mode to follow look at the closest other player
+ Punch with a chorus fruit whilst in spectator mode to teleport to the closest player
+ Punch with white, gray, light gray or black dyes to change timelapse movement speed
+ Hold any colour of dye to activate timelapse movements. Different colours will give different movement types
+ Punch while holding coloured dye to toggle the movement to the alternate direction
+ Punch with a Target Block to place a Target Point
+ Punch with Shears to remove Target Points
+ Punch with a Spyglass to see invisible Target Points
There can only be one target point per player. Adding another will delete the first
+ Punch with a Clock to enter Path Mode
While in path mode...
+ Punch with a Compass to place a Path Point
+ Punch with a Target Block to place the Focus Point
+ Punch with Shears to remove the Focus Point
+ Punch with a Gold Ingot to Test the path
+ Punch with an Emerald to Start the path
+ Punch with a Water Bucket to Reset the path
+ Punch with a Clock to exit Path Mode [This will delete your path]
NOTE: There can only be one focus point per player. Adding another will delete the first
You can change the speed that you move by holding and punching with White, Light Gray, Gray and Black Dyes
White = Slow
Light Gray = Medium
Gray = Fast
Black = Fastest
This addon will support up to 30 different tagged accounts.
Each time a new account is tagged as a spectator, it will be part of this cap.
Removing a account by untagging it does not remove it from the list.
Once 30 accounts have been added in total, no more accounts will be able to use this addon on that world without resetting the scoreboards completely.
To force a reset run the commands:
/function fsm_reset
# Adding this pack to your world.
Download the pack from
# Single Player Worlds and Realms
Use the in game settings to add the behaviour pack to your world.
To get the pack into the game on windows 10, double click the .mcaddon file you downloaded. It should install into Minecraft on it's own.
For other platforms, if trying to open the .mcaddon file doesn't work, copy the .mcaddon file into the behaviour_packs folder of your Minecraft bedrock installation.
# BDS Servers
Follow the instructions in the launch video here:
# Making the pack work
To enable spectator mode, you need to give players the "trusted" tag.
Use the command: /tag playername add trusted
The player will need to be online to have the tag added.
On servers you can run this command from the server console without having to be online, however the tagged player will need to be online.
Once a player is tagged as "trusted" they can activate the camera functions as detailed above.
# That's it!
Don't forget to hit F1 to clear your HUD in game and remove any items from your hands so that you won't be seen by the other players!
Happy recording :D
I hope you managed ok. Any issues, then please contact me via my discord. Details can be found on
Q) It says I'm a camera but I can't fly
A) Flying only works with education features enabled. Make sure it is enabled in your game settings.
Q) How do keep achievements on this world
A) It's very tricky but it can be done with world editing. Look for hasBeenLoadedInCreative
Q) Do I have to enable education edition?
A) Only if you want your camera accounts to be able to fly
Q) I can't use commands or go into creative on my world.
A) Then this won't work.
Q) The pack fails to install
A) Remove any other previous packs and clear the cache. Mojang have details on how to do this.
Q) Some of the dyes don't work
A) Some dyes require a Target Point to work with. You can place target points by punching while holding a target block.
Q) The camera comes off the path in Path Mode
A) When you use the water bucket or exit path mode, the system will attempt to despawn any existing path and focus points that you have placed. (It shouldn't delete ones other players have placed)
If your path was relatively larger and your simulation or render distance is small, then the function may not have been able to reach points that were too far away.
To fix, exit Path Mode and fly around the areas you've built occasionally checking with the spyglass to make sure all of the path points are gone.
Q) The camera movement is jerky
A) The key to smooth timelapses, is to make sure your path is nice and smooth with your path points a good distance apart.
There's no camera smoothing sadly, so you need to work with what you've got.