COMBO: Armor Stands+ & Markers Experimental Add-on for Minecraft Bedrock Edition

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COMBO: Armor Stands+ & Markers

Armor Stands+ & Markers Addons Packs Combined

*Requires experimental features!


What's New in 2.0
Updated for 1.18
Fixed issues from previous pack
Added better biome detection to Markers
Added spawner ranges to Markers

This is a combined pack of Foxy's Armor Stands+ pack and Markers Resource Pack.

This is the Experimental Version which requires the "Holiday Creator Features" and "Molang Features" experimental toggles to work.


Click here for instructions on how to install this pack

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Download Combo-ArmorStands-Markers-v2.0[EX].zip
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Release Date
2nd February 2022

Minecraft Platform
Bedrock Edition

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Instructions from the Readme File

# Foxy's Armor Stands+ & Markers Combo [Experimental]
# Created: 02/02/2022
# Version: 2.0.0
# Made for MC Bedrock Edition 1.18
# For more info visit

Chunk Borders & Spawn Spheres won't show if the armor stand has been scaled.
Chunk Borders won't show if the armor stand is not stood in a cardinal direction (Rotated on the Y axis)

This experimental version requires the experimental toggles to be activated in your world settings:
- Holiday Creator Features
- Molang Features

- Fixed Markers to work with 1.18
- New experimental toggle required "Experimental Molang Features"

This pack overwrites the default armor stand in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.
Please note that this pack WILL need updating for future Minecraft Bedrock Versions.
Please download the updated version from when it is available.

Shift (Crouch) and click with different dyes to change the look, position and rotation of the armor stand.

Black Dye -> Toggle Geometry
#: Size Baseplate Arms
1: Normal On Off
2: Normal On On
3: Normal Off On
4: Normal Off Off
5: Medium On On
6: Medium On On
7: Medium Off Off
8: Medium Off On
9: Small On On
10: Small On Off
11: Small Off On
12: Small Off On
13: Large On Off
14: Large On On
15: Large Off On
16: Large Off Off

Gray Dye -> Toggle Gravity

White Dye -> Toggle Invisibility

Blue Dye -> Clockwise
Green Dye -> AntiClockwise

Yellow Dye => Rotate by 15 degrees (X)
Light Blue Dye => Rotate by 15 degrees (Y)

Orange Dye -> +X
Brown Dye -> -X
Pink Dye -> +Y
Purple Dye -> -Y
Lime Dye -> +Z
Cyan Dye -> -Z

Light Gray Dye -> Sits the armorstand down

Magenta Dye -> Toggle Locked / Unlocked
Note: Locking does not prevent players from breaking the armor stands. It also does not turn gravity off. Use the Gray dye for that first.


Armor stands with banners will show a variety of useful info when posed.

a. As this is a resource pack and can't access deeper data like an addon/behavior pack, there is limited information that this can access.
- It cannot detect light levels or be adjusted for game difficulty / simulation distance.

b. Entity Render Distance
- On bedrock, entities cannot be seen beyond 70 blocks on most devices.
- This means the despawn sphere is only just in view when you're outside it.
- There are no options to increase this distance so there is no point in making larger despawn spheres as you won't be able to see them.

c. FPS
- The FPS meter is very fast and looks a little blurry
- It's not possible to slow this down with just the resource pack sadly.

d. Measure Distance
- Again, due to entities not being visible passed 70 blocks, the measure will only work up to 70 blocks away from the armor stand.
- If you need to measure longer distances than this, use multiple armor stands.

e. Biome Detection
- The code required to detect which biome the armor stand in is still locked behind Experimental mode.
- This means you'll need the non-experimental version of the pack for realms / servers and non-experimental worlds.

How to use:=
Give an armor stand any banner and then change the pose.
Currently there are 13 available settings.

This experimental version requires the Molang Features experimental toggle to be activated in your world settings.

Pose 0: Biomes [Experimental]
- Shows which biome the armor stand is stood in
- If the biome is not found it will show Overworld / Nether depending on the dimension.
- All 83 current biomes (including mountain variants) are now included

Pose 1: Spawn Spheres
- 24 Block Radius (Green) & 54 Block Radius (Red)
- 44 Radius is the despawn radius with a 4 chunk Simulation Distance

Pose 2: Chunk Borders (1 chunk)
- Chunk border is aligned to the chunk that the armor stand is inside of
- Does not work if the armor stand is placed on a diagnal orientation

Pose 3: Chunk Borders (3x3 chunks)
- Same as above but shows a grid of 3 x 3 chunks around the armor stand

Pose 4: Chunk Borders (5x5 chunks)
- Same as above but shows a grid of 5 x 5 chunks around the armor stand

Pose 5: Compass
- No matter which way the armor stand is facing, the compass will always point north

Pose 6: Measure Distance
- Great for measuring straight lines, heights and making circles!
- Shows the distance to the player (camera)
- Using the third person camera will affect the distance as this measures the distance from the armor stand to the camera.
- It will measure in all axis and directions

Pose 7: Day
- Shows the current in game day

Pose 8: Time of Day
- Shows the time of day (in ticks) from 0 - 24000

Pose 9: FPS
- Shows your current Frames Per Second

Pose 10: COORDS
- Shows the coordinates of where the armor stand is placed
- Limited to 99999 blocks in each direction

- Shows the corresponding nether coordinates of where the armor stand is placed (Overworld X & Z divided by 8)
- Limited to 99999 blocks in each direction
- If using the experimental version of the pack the coords will be switched when inside the nether, so the Nether coords (Pose 11) will be correct and the Overworld Coords (Pose 10) will be multiplied by 8
- If not using experimental verison of the pack the nether coords (Pose 11) will be incorrect when used inside The Nether.

Pose 12: Spawner Radius
- Stand the armor stand on top of a monster spawner cage.
- Shows two shapes.
- A green rectangle around the spawner where mobs will spawn from
- A red sphere around the spawner where the player must stand within to activate the spawner