Camera Mode Add-on for Minecraft Bedrock Edition

Camera Mode
Bedrock's Answer to Replay Mod
Turn your Alt account into a timelapse machine.
+ Massive Optimization Update
+ Changed how entire system works
+ Removed use of dyes & items & added all new items to activate functions
+ Switching in and out is more reliable
+ Path Mode is more than 100% more optimized (reduced resource use)
+ Should provide better performance all round on realms & servers
+ More speed options. 7 in total from very slow to very fast
Known Issues
+ Players can put camera mode items into empty item frames
+ Path mode is sill resource heavy, so use on servers/realms is not recommended
+ Activating Trusted/Camera/Path Modes will delete items from certain parts of the players inventory
- This pack is not intended for normal players to switch in and out of camera mode.
- It's designed for dedicated camera/alt accounts
Click here for instructions on how to install this pack
Download Latest Version:

All Versions
Instructions from the Readme File
IMPORTANT: To use this pack you will need to have cheats enabled or operator privileges on your world, realm or server and the ability to run commands in game.
# WHAT'S NEW IN V5.0 #
+ Massive Optimization Update
+ Changed how entire system works
+ Removed use of dyes & items & added all new items to activate functions
+ Switching in and out is more reliable
+ Path Mode is more than 100% more optimized (reduced resource use)
+ Should provide better performance all round on realms & servers
+ More speed options. 7 in total from very slow to very fast
Known Issues
+ Players can put camera mode items into empty item frames
+ Path mode is sill resource heavy, so use on servers/realms is not recommended
+ Activating Trusted/Camera/Path Modes will delete items from certain parts of the players inventory
- This pack is not intended for normal players to switch in and out of camera mode.
- It's designed for dedicated camera/alt accounts
Why doesn't it use the official spectator mode?
Because at the time of making this pack, players in spectator mode have no access to their inventory and are not able to use items they're holding so the functions of this pack wouldn't work.
# How to Use #
NOTE: This pack has scope for up to 30 camera accounts but it is not intended for regular survival players.
REMEMBER: Focus Points and Path Points are entities that can add to world lag. When you've finished your timelapse, rememeber to delete all of your path points.
Enable Camera Mode
For each player you wish to become a camera account type the command:
/tag "_GAMERTAG_" add trusted
- Replace _GAMERTAG_ with the player name. It must be exact including capitilization and spaces
The player will need to be online and in the world to have the tag added.
On servers you can run this command from the server console without having to be online, however the tagged player will need to be in the world.
Once tagged, the player will be given items which will allow them to switch modes
Items given to the player must be kept in the same slot or they will not work
Trusted Mode
Trusted players cannot fly or use camera functions. They will act as normal survival players with the exception of having 3 fixed items in their inventory.
Hotbar Items:
- TP: Click or punch to teleport the player to the closest (non-camera account) player
- STAR: Click or punch to enter Camera Modde
Inventory Items:
- Help: Click to show help information in the chat
Camera Mode
Players in Camera Mode can fly and use camera functions. They will be switched into Adventure Mode and given an array of items to control the camera functions
Focus points no longer automatically go invisible after being placed. Use the Show/Hide Points item to toggle their visibility. This only affects points you have placed. It will not show or hide points placed by another camera account.
Hotbar Items:
- Play/Pause: Starts the active movement type
- Movement Type: Cycles through different movement types
- 1 - 15: are basic movements such as left/right/forwards/backwards
- 16 - 24: are focus movements that need a Focus Point for the player to rotate around
- 25: Follow player. Camera will lock on to the closest (non-trusted) player
- Place Focus Point: Places the focus point in the world where the player is looking. Only 1 focus point can be added. Placing another will remove the first.
- Remove Focus Point: Removes the focus point
- Show / Hide Focus Point: Toggle being able to see your focus point. This won't affect other camera player's points.
- Speed: Click to change how fast the camera will move. 7 speed options ranging from Slowest to Fastest.
- Camera: Click/Punch to enter Path Mode
Inventory Items:
- Help: Click to show help information in the chat
- Night Vision: Click to toggle night vision
Path Mode
Players in Path mode can fly and use path mode functions. They are also in Adventure mode and given different items to control the path mode functions.
Path points no longer automatically go invisible after being placed. Use the Show/Hide Points item to toggle their visibility. This only affects points you have placed. It will not show or hide points placed by another camera account.
Hotbar Items:
- Play/Pause: Starts the path
- Remove Path Points: Clear any path points that the player has placed (includes focus point)
- Place Path Point: Places a path point that the camera will travel through during the timelapse. Up to 25 path points can be placed per camera account.
- Place Focus Point: Places the focus point in the world where the player is looking. Only 1 focus point can be added. Placing another will remove the first.
- Without a focus point, the camera will look towards the direction of the path. With a focus point, the camera will look at the focus point while travelling around the path.
- Remove Focus Point: Removes the focus point
- Show / Hide Points: Toggle being able to see your path points. This won't affect other camera player's points.
- Speed: Click to change how fast the camera will move. 7 speed options ranging from Slowest to Fastest.
- Path Mode: Click/Punch to enter Trusted Mode
- Changing to Trusted Mode will delete any of your path / focus points in range.
Inventory Items:
- Help: Click to show help information in the chat
- Night Vision: Click to toggle night vision
This addon will support up to 30 different tagged accounts.
Each time a new account is tagged as a spectator, it will be part of this cap.
Removing a account by untagging it does not remove it from the list.
Once 30 accounts have been added in total, no more accounts will be able to use this addon on that world without resetting the scoreboards completely.
To force a reset run the commands:
/function fsm_reset
# Adding this pack to your world.
Download the pack from
# Single Player Worlds and Realms
Use the in game settings to add the behaviour pack to your world.
To get the pack into the game on windows 10, double click the .mcaddon file you downloaded. It should install into Minecraft on it's own.
For other platforms, if trying to open the .mcaddon file doesn't work, copy the .mcaddon file into the behaviour_packs folder of your Minecraft bedrock installation.
# BDS Servers
Follow the instructions in the launch video here:
# That's it!
Don't forget to hit F1 to clear your HUD in game and remove any items from your hands so that you won't be seen by the other players!
Happy recording :D
I hope you managed ok. Any issues, then please contact me via my discord. Details can be found on
Q) It says I'm a camera but I can't fly
A) Flying only works with education features enabled. Make sure it is enabled in your game settings.
Q) How do keep achievements on this world
A) It's very tricky but it can be done with world editing. Look for hasBeenLoadedInCreative
Q) Do I have to enable education edition?
A) Only if you want your camera accounts to be able to fly
Q) I can't use commands or go into creative on my world.
A) Then this won't work.
Q) The pack fails to install
A) Remove any other previous packs and clear the cache. Mojang have details on how to do this.
Q) The camera doesn't reach each path point exactly
A) Getting entities to tp to another entity perfectly is hard and jittery. The path features use three different entites to "smooth" out your path to try and prevent jittery motion.
Q) The camera movement is still jerky
A) The key to smooth timelapses, is to make sure your path is nice and smooth with your path points a good distance apart.
There's no camera smoothing in bedrock sadly, so you need to work with what you've got.
Make sure the difference in height between each path point isn't too big and make sure the change in direction from one point to the next isn't to sharp.